Size : 29.7cm x 42cm, Watercolor 300gsm
皆さま, オーストラリアは、ゴールドコーストよりおはようございます。
目の前に広がる空と海、空は、雲で覆われた空は、オレンジ色に染められその色が大地をも包み込む の夜明けの一枚です。自然の神様に感謝です。
Good morning everyone m Gold coast in Australia~!
It is great view from the beach and sky was covered clouds however the sunlight under the horizon colored sky and land as gently and beautifully at dawn,,, thank you God of Nature for now...
P.S : Daily painting is for sale and please contact me yukotart@gmail.com if you have an inquiries , thank you for visiting.