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Welcome to Yukot Art

 Yuko, T is a Japanese Australian Artist, Plein Air Painter and Illustrator. I am self-taught painter all my life however I learned about Oil painting by local artist in Japan 1993, watercolor painting at WEA 1998 Sydney and drawing, oil painting City East Community College in Sydney 2006. My paintings express impression of color of nature, sun light and neon. Prismatic transition to sky color and nocturnes are my subject last few years. Also I started drawing cartoon from 2021, “Jacky and Sky “series, “Koala in the Dream” series then I also create short story video on you tube and a little books ( 14cm x 21 cm). First Exhibition was in Sydney on 2011 and in Japan on 2012. Second Prize Award in Oil Painting International Women’s Day Art Prize 2017 by Randwick Council. Highly Commended Oil Painting by The Juniors Art Club 2021 and First Prize Award Oil Painting by The Juniors Art Club 2022.  ようこそ、ユウコトアートの世界へ、自然世界の変する光の色や形を追及し日々描く絵をご紹介したいと考え始めたブログです。忙しい社会の中で、忘れそうな自然界の恐怖と美、そして恵み、自然の大切さと感動や印象を絵に表現できたらと思います。また、自然界から得たアイデアを元にテキスタイルを作成しプリントした作品を発表していけたらいいなと思います。人生楽しく過ごすをモットーに皆様にユウコトアートを少しでも楽しんで頂けたら幸いです。 ​竹下ゆう子



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